Church Ministry
An emphasis on Bible engagement is the number one need for Christians and the church today, as we are becoming Biblically illiterate. All Ezra Project messages and seminars inspire people and church families to recommit to reading or listening to the Bible, then doing and sharing God’s Word. According to Barna Research:
- 75% of Christians overlook the Bible when shaping their worldview
- Only 40% of men and women say they read the Bible either weekly or daily
- Only 14% of born-again adults rely on the Bible as their moral compass
Like in the days of Ezra, an Old Testament priest who brought God’s Word back to the Israelites, people today need to come back to the Word of God. Ezra Project messages will improve Bible reading in your personal life and in the church family. Below are various Ezra Project messages and seminars available to you and your church. Click here to contact us to schedule one today.
Truth is evasive today in media, business, government, education, and even the church. When did truth leave the public square and can we find it today? We define truth, truthlessness, and the benefits of truth by sharing 2 Kings 22 and 23, when the boy king Josiah discovered the Book of the Law in the temple ruble. Truth changed the course of Josiah’s life and reign as King of Israel. It can change our lives as well. Truth will encourage church folks to get back to the truth of God’s Word, now, not later.
Sweeter Than Honey
Only about 15% of Americans read the Bible daily; about half do not read the Bible at all anymore. Sweeter than Honey convicts the Body of Christ of its neglect and indifference toward God’s Word, then encourages believers to re-connect with the Bible by making it appealing to the soul as honey is to the palate. Scripture texts include Psalm 19:7-11, Psalm 119:103, and 2 Timothy 4:3-5.
Sweeter than Honey is a dynamic message showing Christians how to enjoy God’s Word. The message is a most pleasant way to encourage congregations to get back to enjoying the Bible again. We normally see about 65% of those in attendance commit to daily Bible reading. That is good for them, and your church!
12 Practical Principles of Leadership According to Ezra
Discover and apply 12 fantastic leadership principles Ezra followed to lead his people back to God’s Word. He changed a nation! You can change your private and public life by following Ezra’s example. Some of the 12 practical principles of leadership according to Ezra are operate in God’s timing, operate with God’s provision, operate with God’s protection, and operate in obedience. Plus 8 more! It is tailor- made for men’s groups, home groups, Bible study, or Sunday school lessons.
Relevant Christianity in a Post-Christian World
Our most popular seminar is a three-part series, about three hours in length, entitled Relevant Christianity in a Post-Christian World. It is vital for Christians to understand what others believe and why, and how to share our faith in a post-Christian world. It can be done on a Saturday morning, or arranged as a special mid-week or Sunday evening service. The three sessions are:
- Origins of the Sacred Writings: God’s Word or Man’s? Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus now live in American neighborhoods. Discover what books they read. A comparison of the origins of the Qur’an, Teachings of Buddha, Bhagavad-Gita, and the Bible. A visual presentation on the major “sacred writings” of the world, showing they are not the Word of God, only the Bible. It helps participants understand what others believe in the world, even their neighbors. I quote from the all the books and have them to pass around for people to see. It has always been very well received.
- Finding God in a Post-Christian World. Today people are looking for God in all the wrong places. A visual presentation on where people look for God in today’s world (creation, other people, church, themselves) but come up short. The best place to find God today is the Bible. I share why and how, so people can share with others searching for God.
- How to Share Your Faith Without a Fight. After understanding what other people read and believe, learn to share the Christian faith with others. A visual presentation on how to share one’s faith without getting into an argument. Based on Bill Faye’s book Share Jesus Without Fear, I share my experiences with witnessing (some good and some not so good), teach six questions people can use to get into conversations about faith, and offer others the chance to share their experiences in witnessing.
Click here to visit the contact page and ask to schedule a Sunday message or seminar today.
Men's Ministry
The Ezra Project is greatly concerned about Bible reading among men. We believe men are Biblically instructed to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches, and occupations; yet many struggle to do so. To become Biblical spiritual leaders, men need to be Biblically grounded; yet Barna Research shows only 40% of men say they read the Bible daily or weekly. We challenge men to re-connect to God’s Word. We equip men for Biblical spiritual leadership in their personal, family, and professional lives.
Men’s Retreats
Allen J. Huth has been the retreat speaker at several church men’s retreats. To ignite a passion for the Word of God among men, contact the Ezra Project. We will customize messages to your retreat format, or help you design your church men’s retreat. The bottom line of our participation in your men’s retreat is more men will read God’s Word.
Click here to contact the Ezra Project about your men’s retreat.
We enjoy the opportunity to speak at your men’s ministry meeting weekdays or weekends. Our message will challenge men to rekindle a passion for God’s Word. We have touched hundreds of men with our personal experience of daily Bible reading for over 50 years—through the teenage years, college, marriage and child raising, and the challenges of the work-a-day world, because Allen Huth is not a pastor, he is a layman like the men in your men’s ministry.
Click here to contact the Ezra Project to schedule an Ezra Project challenge to your men’s ministry.